Looks promising, hope to what the series is going to bring... Will there be voice acting?
Looks promising, hope to what the series is going to bring... Will there be voice acting?
of course....
Drawn cartoons without voice acting is lame in my eyes... and ears I guess
Frankly I liked it.
This is a bit too witty for some of the younger NGers. Who probably wouldn't understand the connection between all the characters. I found it quite amusing. Erm, if everything said and done, is he ahem "Playing with himself"?
still nice as The DA version
hey dante!
suprised you hadn't submitted this sooner..
walking has one I
it would be better..
most of the talking portions where drowned out by the music, and the whole sprites in the beganing were very sloppy, but picked up at the end..
What happened to the hand in that first scene?
I don't know, I've been trying to work it out myself. It's a movie clip symbol. When I'm inside the symbol. the hand is there. But when I export it, The hand is gone.
It just doesn't make any sense.
couldn't just a credit listing avoid so said copy right infrigi-ment?
This is deffentaly not going to get blamed.. I hope It gets front page..
Right you are about the no-blamming :) As for the front page...well, it would be my first time ever being there :D Would be nice, but I'm not going to count on it.
I alway thought he was a neo-nazi... darn skin heads..
maybe its the lack of chins that is throwing me off..
when life gives you lemons make screwdrivers..
Voice actor
Dagon U.
Above water
Joined on 2/11/05